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The difference between lithium polymer battery and lithium ion batteries

  Lithium polymer battery (Li - polymer, also known as the polymer lithium battery) : with high energy density, miniaturization, ultra-thin, lightweight, and high safety and low cost, and other obvious advantages, is a new type of battery. In shape, lithium polymer battery with ultra-thin characteristics, can match the needs of the various products, made into any shape and the capacity of the battery. The battery can reach the minimum thickness of 0.5 mm. 

Relative to the lithium ion battery, lithium polymer battery characteristics are as follows: 

  1. No battery leakage problems, its inside the battery does not contain liquid electrolyte, the use of colloidal solids. 

  2. Can be made into thin battery: 3.6 V400mAh capacity, its thickness can be thin to 0.5 mm. 

  3. The battery can be designed into various shapes. 

  4. The battery can be bending deformation: polymer battery maximum bending around 900. 

  5. Can be made into a single high voltage: liquid electrolyte battery can only with the number of cells in series with high voltage, high polymer batteries. 

  6. As there is no liquid itself, can be made within the single star multilayer combination to achieve high voltage. 

  7. Capacity will is more than double that of the same size of lithium ion batteries. 

  Polymer battery on the security, the outer packing is blister pack, is different from the metal shell of liquid lithium electricity, internal quality hidden trouble can be displayed by the outer packing deformation, immediately in the event of safe hidden trouble, will not explode, ballooning. 

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